Article 1 – Registration.

– All people who have reached the age of 18 at the time of registration, belonging to any nationality, are admitted to the event

– Entries for the Salento Trail 2023 are open from February 10, 2023 to June 11, 2023

Article 2 – Medical cards and certificates.

– Italian participants enrolled in an A.S.D. affiliated to the FCI, UCI, ACSI, CSAIN, CSI, UISP must show their card, even during the registration phase. Foreign license holders the UCI card. Non-members, both Italian and foreign, must register by selecting the “Non-members” option

– Registrations are managed by our site and accessible on the REGISTRATION

– The medical certificate for cycling activity must be uploaded to our site by all participants regardless of possession of an affiliation card (FCI, UCI, ACSI, CSAIN, CSI, UISP).

– The registration fees paid are non-refundable, cannot be transferred to another participant and cannot be frozen for another edition. In case of cancellation of the event or its transfer to another date, it will be possible to keep the registration fee valid.

– The event will take place in any weather condition. In the event of suspension for reasons that do not depend on our organization for warnings, alerts/weather or emergencies from entities not dependent on the organization, the registration fees cannot be refunded.

– Physical non-fitness and the suspended medical certificate also do not constitute grounds for reimbursement of the registration fee

Article 3 – Start and Route.

– The departure of the Salento Trail will be free, the official opening date of the event has in any case been decided to be the days 06/24/2023 to 06/25/2023, and will take place in the town of San Cassiano (Lecce). departure will still be communicated at the time of sending the GPS track;
– The route has a length of about 350 km and 2,000 m of positive difference in altitude which develop on paths, dirt roads and secondary asphalted roads of Salento;
– The circular route can be viewed on the website at ITINERARY;
– Approximately two weeks before departure, an email will be sent containing the track in .gpx format and official information about the departure and arrival meeting places;
– The participant will have to load the track provided on his GPS device and follow it from start to finish;
– It will be the evidence of having followed the track in all its extension to allow to obtain the Finisher certificate of the Salento Trail 2023 edition

Article 4 – Characteristics of the event and warnings.

– The Salento Trail is an adventure on secondary paved roads, dirt roads and paths; the whole route will always be open to traffic and therefore it is mandatory for all participants to respect the Highway Code

– The participant acknowledges that he is aware that the route is not signposted, travels at his own risk and is considered to be in free personal excursion without any more rights than other users of the paths and roads;

– The participant is aware that there is no health, food or mechanical assistance service provided by the organizers along the route; there is no withdrawal recovery service and there are no search obligations on the part of the organizers of the participants on the route;

– The participant undertakes to communicate his withdrawal to the organizer by sending an sms/WhatsApp to the telephone number 3298623094 (Alfredo) or 3493932555 (Gabriele) or 3381623699 (Sandro) or 3291294232 (Michele)

– The participant is aware that the A.S.D. organizer RTquadro is not a professional organizing body, but acts only for recreational and non-financial purposes (1174 of the Civil Code); and therefore participation in the Salento Trail cycling event always takes place by free choice and for recreational purposes, in any case not for financial purposes;

– It follows therefore that the A.S.D. the aforementioned organizer is free, and in any case indemnified, from any liability connected to the Salento Trail cycling event. It is also released from any liability regarding events that may occur to the cyclist such as: accidents, loss of route, physical problems, accidents, thefts, etc. It therefore follows that the Salento Trail cycling excursion is to be understood as a mere meeting and spontaneous and independent participation of cyclists and amateur cyclists on a free and personal excursion.

– The participant undertakes to respect and keep the places crossed clean: meadows, woods, paths, beaches and agricultural properties, undertakes not to throw waste along the route and to place it in the appropriate collection containers

– It is also compulsory to carry a breakdown and puncture repair kit with you

– Participants are required to have good physical preparation, resistance to prolonged efforts, good knowledge of the use of GPS and orientation and above all a spirit of adaptation

– Any type of external support is prohibited (except in case of emergency)

– The layout must be followed in its entirety and without cuts

– If you were to move away from it, you will have to pick it up from the point where it was left off

Article 5 – Control.

– There may be checkpoints to verify that the participant has not made any cuts. An application will be used to verify afterwards that the participants have followed the route punctually

– The organization reserves the right to exclude from the event cyclists who behave incorrectly before, during and after the event

Article 6 – Compulsory kit.

– For their own personal safety, in the event of an emergency or loss of the route, each participant is obliged to carry the following minimum safety equipment with them for the entire duration of their adventure:

> Reflective vest for night walking
> whistle or bell
> mobile phone
> approved helmet to wear at all times
> white front and red rear lights

Article 7 – By asking to participate in the Salento Trail, each participant:

– declares to have read and approved the present regulation and to accept all its parts

– declares to have understood that the event is a non-competitive test of endurance and considerable physical, psychophysical effort and without rankings

– declares to be aware that some stretches can be bumpy and require good riding technique, where necessary the participant will overcome the difficult stretch at his own discretion by getting off the bike and proceeding on foot

– declares to have experience in GPS navigation in off-road and/or untracked routes

– declares to have experience and to be aware that the route is not marked, is not monitored and there are no safety posts and/or rescue personnel along the route

– declares to have experience and to be aware of the possibility of encountering adverse weather conditions and to be able to orient oneself and ride on hills in such conditions

– declares to be physically prepared to face many hours on the saddle of a bike non-stop and in complete self-sufficiency

– declares not to resort to doping or drugs or medicinal substances that could alter performance or lead to situations of damage or danger for oneself or for others

– declares to be aware that unexpected events such as landslides, sun, wind, rain, hail, lightning, cold, night, dark, fog, snow, ice, mudslides, encounters with unattended and/or wild animals, falls, accidental collisions with other participants or with people passing by and/or with motor vehicles on stretches of carriageable road and declares to be adequately prepared to deal with emergency situations;

– guarantees his own behavior during and after the event

– declares to be in possession of the aptitude medical certificate for cycling and compliant with DM 18/02/1982 and/or DM 26/04/2013 issued by a Sports Medical Center or by a doctor

– declares to be in good physical condition, providing the organization with the widest indemnity for any damage that it may suffer as a result of its participation in the event

– expresses his consent to the use of his data, also for commercial purposes, according to the provisions of the law on Privacy n. 196 of 06/30/2003

Articolo 8 – Trattamento dei dati personali ed utilizzo delle immagini dei partecipanti.

– La partecipazione all’Evento comporta il trattamento dei dati personali dei partecipanti per le finalità e con le modalità descritte nell’Informativa Privacy dell’Organizzatore. Titolare del trattamento è l’organizzatore A.S.D. RTquadro

– Iscrivendosi all’Evento, il partecipante conferma di aver letto con attenzione l’Informativa Privacy dell’Organizzatore

– Le modalità di svolgimento dell’Evento prevedono la realizzazione di riprese video-fotografiche allo scopo di documentare la manifestazione. Le riprese video-fotografiche interesseranno indifferentemente tutti i partecipanti e potranno essere pubblicate e messe a disposizione sulla piattaforma sul sito web e sulle pagine social di Salento Trail

– Il partecipante prende atto e accetta che, in considerazione della natura pubblica dell’Evento, dell’oggetto dei servizi di diffusione e commercializzazione delle riprese video-fotografiche dell’Evento nonché dell’impossibilità di limitare selettivamente le riprese video-fotografiche, per iscriversi e partecipare all’Evento è necessario autorizzare la ripresa e l’utilizzo della propria immagine con le modalità e per le finalità indicate nel presente Regolamento, nonché nella Liberatoria e nell’Informativa Privacy

Article 9 – Release for photographic and video shooting of the event and use of the image of the participants.

– Having read and approved the Participation Regulations and the Privacy Information, recognizing that my registration and/or participation in the Event constitutes a free and independent choice, with the registration and/or participation in the Event for any reason, I authorize expressly the Organizer, directly or through its service partners, to the video and photographic footage of my image in the context of the Event and the consequent use of the footage for purposes related to the documentation of the Event by any means and through any channel or support , digital or paper

– The authorization is considered granted, pursuant to articles 10 of the civil code and 96 and 97 of Law no. 633/1941 (Copyright Law), free of charge, for the whole world and without time limits, always without prejudice to the limit of the protection of the decorum and dignity of my person, and with the faculty for the Organizer to authorize the sponsor companies and technical and service partners of the Event to use the aforementioned footage for the same purposes as the subject of this authorization

Article 1 – Membership.

– All people who have reached the age of 18 at the time of registration, belonging to any nationality, are admitted to the event

– Entries for the Salento Trail 2023 are open from February 10, 2023 to June 11, 2023

Article 2 – Medical cards and certificates.

– Italian participants enrolled in an A.S.D. affiliated to the FCI, UCI, ACSI, CSAIN, CSI, UISP must show their card, even during the registration phase. Foreign license holders the UCI card. Non-members, both Italian and foreign, must register by selecting the “Non-members” option

– Registrations are managed by our site and accessible on the REGISTRATION

– The medical certificate for cycling activity must be uploaded to our site by all participants regardless of possession of an affiliation card (FCI, UCI, ACSI, CSAIN, CSI, UISP).

– The registration fees paid are non-refundable, cannot be transferred to another participant and cannot be frozen for another edition. In case of cancellation of the event or its transfer to another date, it will be possible to keep the registration fee valid.

– The event will take place in any weather condition. In the event of suspension for reasons that do not depend on our organization for warnings, alerts/weather or emergencies from entities not dependent on the organization, the registration fees cannot be refunded.

– Physical non-fitness and the suspended medical certificate also do not constitute grounds for reimbursement of the registration fee

Article 3 – Start and Route.

– The departure of the Salento Trail will be free, the official opening date of the event has in any case been decided to be the days 06/24/2023 to 06/25/2023, and will take place in the town of San Cassiano (Lecce). departure will still be communicated at the time of sending the GPS track;
– The route has a length of about 350 km and 2,000 m of positive difference in height which develop on paths, dirt roads and secondary asphalted roads of Salento;
– The circular route can be viewed on the website at ITINERARY;
– Approximately two weeks before departure, an email will be sent containing the track in .gpx format and official information about the departure and arrival meeting places;
– The participant will have to load the track provided on his GPS device and follow it from start to finish;
– It will be the evidence of having followed the track in all its extension to allow obtaining the Finisher certificate of the Salento Trail 2023 edition

Article 4 – Characteristics of the event and warnings.

– The Salento Trail is an adventure on secondary paved roads, dirt roads and paths; the whole route will always be open to traffic and therefore it is mandatory for all participants to respect the Highway Code

– The participant acknowledges that he is aware that the route is not signposted, travels at his own risk and is considered to be in free personal excursion without any more rights than other users of the paths and roads;

– The participant is aware that there is no health, food or mechanical assistance service provided by the organizers along the route; there is no withdrawal recovery service and there are no search obligations on the part of the organizers of the participants on the route;

– The participant undertakes to communicate his withdrawal to the organizer by sending an sms/WhatsApp to the telephone number 3298623094 (Alfredo) or 3493932555 (Gabriele) or 3381623699 (Sandro) or 3291294232 (Michele)

– The participant is aware that the A.S.D. organizer RTquadro is not a professional organizing body, but acts only for recreational and non-financial purposes (1174 of the Civil Code); and therefore participation in the Salento Trail cycling event always takes place by free choice and for recreational purposes, in any case not for financial purposes;

– It follows therefore that the A.S.D. the aforementioned organizer is free, and in any case indemnified, from any liability connected to the Salento Trail cycling event. It is also released from any liability regarding events that may occur to the cyclist such as: accidents, loss of route, physical problems, accidents, thefts, etc. It therefore follows that the Salento Trail cycling excursion is to be understood as a mere meeting and spontaneous and independent participation of cyclists and amateur cyclists on a free and personal excursion.

– The participant undertakes to respect and keep the places crossed clean: meadows, woods, paths, beaches and agricultural properties, undertakes not to throw waste along the route and to place it in the appropriate collection containers

– It is also compulsory to carry a breakdown and puncture repair kit with you

– Participants are required to have good physical preparation, resistance to prolonged efforts, good knowledge of the use of GPS and orientation and above all a spirit of adaptation

– Any type of external support is prohibited (except in case of emergency)

– The layout must be followed in its entirety and without cuts

– If you were to move away from it, you will have to pick it up from the point where it was left off

Article 5 – Control.

– There may be checkpoints to verify that the participant has not made any cuts. An application will be used to verify afterwards that the participants have followed the route punctually

– The organization reserves the right to exclude from the event cyclists who behave incorrectly before, during and after the event

Article 6 – Compulsory kit.

– For their own personal safety, in the event of an emergency or loss of the route, each participant is obliged to carry the following minimum safety equipment with them for the entire duration of their adventure:

> Reflective vest for night walking
> whistle or bell
> mobile phone
> approved helmet to wear at all times
> white front and red rear lights

Article 7 – By asking to participate in the Salento Trail, each participant:

– declares to have read and approved the present regulation and to accept all its parts

– declares to have understood that the event is a non-competitive test of endurance and considerable physical, psychophysical effort and without rankings

– declares to be aware that some stretches can be bumpy and require good riding technique, where necessary the participant will overcome the difficult stretch at his own discretion by getting off the bike and proceeding on foot

– declares to have experience in GPS navigation in off-road and/or untracked routes

– declares to have experience and to be aware that the route is not marked, is not monitored and there are no safety posts and/or rescue personnel along the route

– declares to have experience and to be aware of the possibility of encountering adverse weather conditions and to be able to orient oneself and ride on hills in such conditions

– declares to be physically prepared to face many hours on the saddle of a bike non-stop and in complete self-sufficiency

– declares not to resort to doping or drugs or medicinal substances that could alter performance or lead to situations of damage or danger for oneself or for others

– declares to be aware that unexpected events such as landslides, sun, wind, rain, hail, lightning, cold, night, dark, fog, snow, ice, mudslides, encounters with unattended and/or wild animals, falls, accidental collisions with other participants or with people passing by and/or with motor vehicles on stretches of carriageable road and declares to be adequately prepared to deal with emergency situations;

– guarantees his own behavior during and after the event

– declares to be in possession of the aptitude medical certificate for cycling and compliant with DM 18/02/1982 and/or DM 26/04/2013 issued by a Sports Medical Center or by a doctor

– declares to be in good physical condition, providing the organization with the widest indemnity for any damage that it may suffer as a result of its participation in the event

– expresses his consent to the use of his data, also for commercial purposes, according to the provisions of the law on Privacy n. 196 of 06/30/2003

Article 8 – Treatment of personal data and use of participants’ images.

– Participation in the Event involves the processing of participants’ personal data for the purposes and in the manner described in the Organizer’s Privacy Policy. The data controller is the organizer A.S.D. RT framework

– By registering for the Event, the participant confirms that he has carefully read the Organizer’s Privacy Policy

– The methods of carrying out the Event provide for the creation of video-photographic footage in order to document the event. The video-photographic footage will affect all participants indifferently and can be published and made available on the platform on the website and on the Salento Trail social pages

– The participant acknowledges and accepts that, in consideration of the public nature of the Event, the object of the dissemination and marketing services of the video-photographic footage of the Event as well as the impossibility of selectively limiting the video-photographic footage, to register and participate in the Event it is necessary to authorize the shooting and use of one’s image in the manner and for the purposes indicated in these Regulations, as well as in the Disclaimer and in the Privacy Policy

Article 9 – Release for photographic and video shooting of the event and use of the image of the participants.

– Having read and approved the Participation Regulations and the Privacy Information, recognizing that my registration and/or participation in the Event constitutes a free and independent choice, with the registration and/or participation in the Event for any reason, I authorize expressly the Organizer, directly or through its service partners, to the video and photographic footage of my image in the context of the Event and the consequent use of the footage for purposes related to the documentation of the Event by any means and through any channel or support , digital or paper

– The authorization is considered granted, pursuant to articles 10 of the civil code and 96 and 97 of Law no. 633/1941 (Copyright Law), free of charge, for the whole world and without time limits, always without prejudice to the limit of the protection of the decorum and dignity of my person, and with the faculty for the Organizer to authorize the sponsor companies and technical and service partners of the Event to use the aforementioned footage for the same purposes as the subject of this authorization